Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Daddy....

Two years ago, April 4, 2007, my father passed away. It was a sad day - and an incredible day at the same time.

My father knew about battles - he joined the Navy just after WWII and served his country when it was on top of the world. That training prepared him for the toughest battle of his life - heart disaese.

We almost lost him in the spring of 1979. During a workout one evening he suffered his first heart attack. I was 18 and just out of high school when reality hit me like a ton of bricks. My daddy might not make it! While he was in ICU for 8 days it seemed like I had tunnel vision everywhere I went. Doctor's prognosis was grim and watching him convulsing on the ER table was even worse. But somehow he pulled out of it and made a full recovery, even though triple bypass surgery was inevitable.

Nearly 28 years and 3 triple bypass surgery's later he knew there was no such thing as a 4th triple bypass. So when his heart began to fail again he told his doctors - throw everything you've got at me! It was a grueling six months as he battled his failing heart and his failing kidneys. His only desire was to go home...

...For a while, home was in south Florida. My daddy loved Florida. When we were kids, every Easter he would drive all 4 of us to Hollywood Florida. From Detroit the first stop was Cininnati, second stop Atlanta, then the third day we'd arrive in Hollywood. Every Easter we would make this trip and every time we would take 3 days - Cincinnati, Atlanta, then Hollywood.

Three days. Does that remind you of anything? Easter approaching???

One of those trips was after my grandfather had passed. My daddy would always take us to a Catholic church near the first circle in Hollywood, Little Flower Church. It was there I experienced my grandfather's presense. His image and words I will never forget. With a smile on the image of his face, grandpa told me that everything was OK. Wow! At age 12, my grandpa understood that I was confused and needed some assurance and guidance - that death was inevitable, but life can be everlasting!

So South Florida has always been a special part of my life and I am grateful to God that I live in this special place.

Fast forward to the passing of my father. He fought the battle but passed, when? Near the Easter Holiday 2007. I flew back to Detroit the day he passed, 4/4/07, and when I arrived at DTW I picked up a message that I had a job interview the next day.

My daddy knew I was miserable at my current job. The commute from Fort Lauderdale to Miami was brutal enough, but the way we were all treated by management there was even worse. So the day he died - THE DAY HE DIED - I receive a message that a new company was interested in talking to me.

I called back and explained my circumstances, and when I came back to Florida? I drove back! I stopped in Cincinnati the first night, Atlanta the second, saw the same signs (see Ruby Falls, see Rock City) and was able to re-live the days I treasured the most as a child - Easter trips to Florida!

I ended up getting the job. My hour and a half commute turned into 10 minutes, but the greatest thing was - a new friend at my new job INVITED me to church! That was Easter '08. This is this Easter - WHO ARE YOU INVITING?

I miss you Daddy - I miss you so much..........

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a story Don. Our Daddy really loves you. He has always been by your side. You are a wonderful person and I am so glad you are my friend.